Oreo Reverse Manufacturing
An amusing alternative universe where Oreos are unmade by wizards who harvest their cocoa, flour, sugar, gunpowder and cocaine:
Awesome, complex manufacturing – for SPACE!
It’s starts as 7,000 lbs of raw material. It ends up a 148 lb part.
(Thanks to @starsandrobots)
Ham Radio
A few of us are working on a balloon launch project (more on that later). In order to launch, track and recover our balloon, we need to get a ham radio operators license. We are planning to take the test in October in Oakland (join us!), and so I’ve started studying.
I am trying to set up a Memrise course for this (surprised there wasn’t one already!), but am running into some difficulty due to the format of the questions compared to the format of typical Memrise courses. Hopefully I will prevail (and post a link here to the course!) but in the mean time, I found HamStudy.org to be a great place to study the question pool.
They have a great flashcard system that looks nice, operates well, sorta does spaced repetition, and has great crowd-sourced explanations for each answer! It even works on mobil… that may be the death knell to my attempt at making Memrise work. With such a great alternative, why waste the time? We’ll see.
Also, it’s fun to think about electronics/look at circuit diagrams again. Takes me back to 6.115 and 6.131!

Circuit Diagram from the question pool of the Technician’s license exam
Aluminum Extrusion
Awesome video of aluminum extrusion in action!
What it sadly doesn’t show is actually stretching the aluminum after extrusion (which seriously blew my mind when watching it live on a FABtour).
It also doesn’t explain how to extrude hollow shapes.